Tech Be Nimble
Be Nimble.
Technology changes. Needs change. The best educational technology stays nimble.
nim·ble adjective \ˈnim-bəl\
: able to move quickly, easily, and lightly
: able to learn and understand things quickly and easily
Full Definition of NIMBLE
1: quick and light in motion : agile <nimble fingers>
2 a : marked by quick, alert, clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness <a nimble mind>
b : responsive, sensitive <a nimble listener>
Nimble. (n.d.). Retrieved from
: able to move quickly, easily, and lightly
: able to learn and understand things quickly and easily
Full Definition of NIMBLE
1: quick and light in motion : agile <nimble fingers>
2 a : marked by quick, alert, clever conception, comprehension, or resourcefulness <a nimble mind>
b : responsive, sensitive <a nimble listener>
Nimble. (n.d.). Retrieved from